
Have you ever thought about being a therapist? Do you have questions about how to become a therapist and what are the possibilities of acting? So take a look at this text!

In general, people who aspire to be therapists are naturally prone or find themselves prone to helping people who are experiencing anguish, depression, anxiety, other symptoms that may be damaging their life or even assist in their personal and professional growth.

But who is considered a “therapist”?

The term therapist is a universal way of describing someone who provides treatment or care to the other, that is, whose services are aimed at those who seek help to overcome them. Basically, it is that individual who seeks to understand which problem afflicts his client, who is looking for harmony and balance.

When we speak of ‘therapist’ we may be referring to different types of professionals, for example, the psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, hypnotherapist, aromatherapist, occupational therapist, holistic therapist in general, massage therapist, chromotherapist, and the list goes on.

Holistic therapist

In the case of the holistic therapist, this is a professional who works in the complementary treatment of mental illnesses or disorders. Within the holistic approach, this professional acts on the problem as a whole, taking into account the human being in an integral way, covering emotional, mental, spiritual and physical aspects as part of a system and within the context in which the person is inserted, concentrating focus on both the cause and the symptom of disease.

And how can I become a therapist?


First, talk to other therapists. Try to participate in events in the therapy area you are interested in and start networking. It is by talking to people who already work in the field that you will be able to understand what the experience of being a therapist is like and what paths you can take to get there.

Veteran therapists have learned many things from practice that are not always taught in courses and training, and can teach you that. Participating in interdisciplinary action groups can broaden your view of what being a therapist can bring to the lives of people around you and yourself.


Another important point is to pay attention to the fact that each therapeutic area has its strengths and fits better with the skills of the interested individual. Reflect on your qualities and skills, how they can contribute in this area of ​​operation and even be a differential in your performance. Some of these characteristics can be: having sensitivity, intuition, enjoying listening, having an integral view of life, being patient, enjoying studying and being always up to date, having an “open” mind, among others.

Self-knowledge will be essential for you to discover yourself as a therapist. See which areas are more aligned with your life purpose, in which you can give back by helping others and also fulfilling yourself as a person. It’s your own math!

The holistic therapist’s duties are:

  • Perform anamnesis;
  • Make clear the type of therapy you perform;
  • Apply the method or approach according to the customer’s demand;
  • Focus on the well-being and general balance of the client.


Prepare a training plan, as it is important to obtain certifications that confirm your experience, reliability and professionalism. Take into account the years of study and the investments that will need to be made in order to make your decision. Remember to give priority to quality training and certifications, without quackery.

Becoming a member of associations in the chosen area of ​​activity can always keep you abreast of the most current and important information, putting you in contact with other professionals who may even become mentors in this process.

Here at AHDE you have the opportunity to validate your hours of experience from the beginning of your career, which creates a bridge between you and the practice, which is just what you need to become a successful therapist.

Where does a therapist work?

In general, a therapist attends in his office as an autonomous professional or part of a team, where he conducts sessions of previously delimited time, in order to apply techniques for which he is qualified in favor of the health of the patient. Thus, the salary range of a professional therapist varies according to the demands met per month and the amounts charged by him.

Know, however, that the work of a therapist is not just limited to time in the clinic. The study of cases, personal qualifications, the necessary supervision in some cases will take time and resources even during non-work hours.

Have you thought about becoming a therapist? What is missing to realize your dream and be an AHDE therapist?



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