  • News
  • February 23, 2021

Networking refers to the activity aimed at sharing information and work opportunities between contacts.

But how to connect to and benefit from a professional network? Below are some advantages of creating your own networking.


The purpose of networking is to open up new opportunities for professional success, both for those who are starting their careers and for those looking to leverage their position in the market. For networking to be effective, it must be reciprocal, that is, bring mutual benefits.


Maintaining a network of contacts with professionals in your area is a way to be remembered when opportunities arise. The more competent and well-known the therapist is, the easier it will be for clients to find you and for fellow therapists to feel confident when referring you to someone.


But it is necessary to observe the quality of the relationship with your network of contacts. Maintaining the rapprochement and creating healthy bonds of mutual help, and on an ongoing basis, are ways to enhance the results that the network can achieve together.

It is also important to have in your network people you admire, who are inspiring and with whom you can learn and grow.

Networking opportunities

Congresses, lectures, symposiums, seminars, meetings and conferences, social and cultural events are good ways to build your relationship network in a natural way.

Associations with an international scope such as AHDE also enhance networking, as they function as a sieve of qualified professionals, increase the visibility of their work and attest to their basic training.


Don’t forget to believe in your potential in the first place, and use it so that other people can grow with you, as the results can come when you least expect it. Don’t be afraid to share your knowledge, take the opportunity to answer your questions and improve your performance as a therapist. Present the new knowledge you have acquired and exchange experiences in the therapeutic setting, making yourself available to observe situations from a new angle, from the perspective of the other added to yours.

Connections and spaces

Remember to always have your contact in hand, for example, through a business card, so as not to lose the connection created in these spaces.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the relationships created, filter out the contacts established and not form links only for the sake of interest, but focusing on the professional growth of both parties.


There are a few ways to put this concept into practice. Here are some tips that can optimize your journey:

  1. Cultivate true connections;
  2. Listen carefully;
  3. Be authentic;
  4. Take an interest in people;
  5. Make yourself available to broaden your horizons;
  6. Be receptive to the new;
  7. Indicate opportunities for your network;
  8. Keep constant contact;
  9. Use the reach of social networks;
  10. Prioritize your professional growth.

Quality of life

A good network of professional contacts can also bring greater satisfaction at work and associate it with a better quality of life, which can bring better results and help you achieve your desired career goals.

So, be sure to cultivate good relationships and use them for your professional growth, join AHDE today!




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