  • News
  • February 27, 2021

Many of the references we have were impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. Adapting to the new hygiene measures, as well as being aware of the potential of therapies and techniques to complement treatments and help human beings in this moment of worldwide distress are great potentials for holistic therapies.

Let’s see below how holistic therapies can help people and healthcare professionals right now.


The pandemic brought to the front line professionals in the fight against Coronavirus, who go through the stresses and greater pressure to deal with the demands brought, in addition to the risk of falling ill and frequent contact with death, situations that can generate or aggravate anxieties and depression.


One way to support these professionals is the interventions of holistic practices such as auriculotherapy, acupuncture and reiki, collaborating with health teams in this time of adversity. It is possible to show support, solidarity and care for the frontline professionals, since they have difficulty stopping and focusing on self-care, leaving a little aside. In addition to being a way of valuing those who care for patients, inserting holistic therapies in the current health context is a way of demonstrating that other health devices are looking for these professionals in the situation in which we find ourselves.


The covid-19 pandemic has aroused many emotional disturbances in people. Issues such as fear, anxiety and distress are common. Holistic therapies can act to prevent these disorders and reduce the impact of stress on the nervous system, both for teams and for people who have already been diagnosed with covid-19.


Using holistic therapies to respect and recognize the professionals ‘subjectivities, their emotions and thoughts that can affect the body and unbalance the teams’ immunity is a way to strengthen those fighting the pandemic. Even though they do not have scientifically proven efficacy, holistic therapies are recommended by WHO as complementary to any health treatment, since they observe the human being from a little bit integral.

Good habits

At this point, it is important to take into account the best practices and recommendations for face-to-face assistance in compliance with the recommended hygiene and safety standards. Always have alcohol gel available, respect the distance as far as possible and always use personal protective equipment, both at the time of reception and service. It is necessary to think and adapt, including the disposal of materials used in therapy, when applicable. Thus, your client will feel safe to continue the treatment, in addition to feeling calm, especially in therapies involving touch.

Types of care

Online care is currently on the rise, as the person does not need to travel to the service location and can thus maintain social distance and even their option to remain at home, at home. Although there are controversies about the effectiveness of applying some techniques through online, it is possible to apply the same care dedicated to the physical office.

It is important to note that in online appointments, consultation and remuneration times and face-to-face appointments can be maintained.


Any disclosure that relates the effectiveness of the techniques to covid-19 is considered unethical. Be sure to recommend the evaluation of medical professionals, seeking now more than ever to act within multidisciplinarity and complementary treatment in conjunction with tradition.

Therefore, be attentive to the recommendations and enhance your services with security and welcome in this difficult time that humanity is going through.

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