  • News
  • February 23, 2021

Do you wonder what impact the membership of a network of therapists can have on the number of clients attended? Do you know where your customers come from and who they are?

The main way in which a therapist assesses their career investments is through clients. Helping people is your goal and in addition to the financial return, the satisfaction of working with what you like and having your technique and experience validated, are present in the therapist’s motivation.

But how do I know if being associated with an international network of therapists can bring me clients?


Nowadays more and more clients are looking for reliable therapists to whom they can attribute competence and technique, so that they feel confident when looking them up. Your association with AHDE makes your courses and training, your hours of experience, your channels of interaction and contact visible internationally, united in a solid base of access to you.

See below how the international association AHDE can help the therapist reach more clients:


When searching our network of internationally accredited professionals, customers will find:

  • A picture from you;
  • A summary of his biography;
  • Your specialty;
  • Your contact links.

Keeping this data up to date in your profile adds greater chances of being seen and attracting the customers you are looking for.

Thus, when accessing this data, the client can find your social networks and work references, and check the therapist’s services in more detail.

Social media

Nowadays social networks are the shortest way to attract customers and publicize your work. But it is not enough to be highlighted: your content needs to be updated and for that you need to understand the language your audience speaks, their health consumption habits and needs in full, their pains and singularities.

Pay attention to the fact that each social network has its particularities and invest in those that most capture your audience and your therapeutic proposal and be present regularly on these platforms. Take into account the international public, the peculiarities of each culture and the ways of understanding and applying the techniques you use in different locations.


Invest in tools to obtain statistical information on who accesses their platforms and where they can help reinforce the specific disclosure of their services. In addition, the international association AHDE allows your name to be present in Google searches more frequently. Thus, when the customer accesses your pages on the internet, you will be able to know how much of your audience comes from our services.

Mouth to mouth

Don’t forget the good old word of mouth. That disclosure made by the customers themselves. Create spaces where new customers can access the experiences of previous customers, as their credibility increases according to the feedback received.


When asked by your customers, what are the first questions you ask? Has it been your priority to understand where your customers found you?

These first questions can be crucial not only for the direction of your therapeutic intervention, but also for your investments in marketing, defining your strategies for visibility and availability to the public.

Internationally accredited therapists have broader connections with their target audience and with institutions, facilitating access to the services provided.

So don’t waste time, be an AHDE member today!



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