  • News
  • February 27, 2021

Resources are natural skills, talents, gifts and tools that provide the opportunity to develop your activities efficiently. To be in touch with his resources, the therapist needs to deepen his self-knowledge so that he can strengthen himself to eliminate the barriers that prevent him from being or acting in an aligned way.

The clarity of the values ​​and objectives can confer power of action to the therapist who, through his awareness of self-responsibility, can build a path of autonomy in his practice.


Holistic therapies seek to awaken physical, psychological, emotional and social self-balance through clients’ resources. From the correct alignment of values ​​and goals, one can give increased self-esteem, courage and confidence to act, plan the future, have more health, emotional stability, optimize your time and your relationships.

To optimize his resources, the therapist needs to work with his skills adjusted to his needs, focusing on problem solving.

But what tools does the therapist have to optimize their own resources?


Through the mentoring of more experienced professionals, the therapist can more clearly delineate their own resources, their potential and skills, and how they relate specifically to the care provided in their care.

It is a way of strengthening and observing yourself under a new perspective, while learning and putting into practice your self-discoveries.


Computer applications and programs today are very useful for extending resources. From organizing files, storing documents, having a list of appointments and scheduling appointments, in addition to organizing finances, having applications directed to each purpose and helping the therapist to have everything organized in time, without dropping the quality of their services.

See how applications and programs can help you optimize your resources:

  • Have an email specifically to contact customers;
  • Formulate and store reports and medical records;
  • Manage deadlines, clients, meetings and projects;
  • Create appointment reminders;
  • Create notes, ideas and lists;
  • Accounting for fees;
  • Set goals and follow them;
  • Dissemination of work through social networks;
  • Mapping humor through digital diaries;
  • Conducting video calls;
  • Video content recording;

Online services

There are also pages on the internet where the therapist can register for online appointments, where the client can schedule through a link when having access to their available hours, in an integrated way with their cell phone schedule.


The specific techniques of each therapeutic approach are also resources that facilitate care with the objective of reaching an efficient result. Understanding in depth the techniques used, their origin and function, as well as always seeking to expand their professional experience are ways to obtain the expected results.

Time management

Do not spend your time on issues that are not your priority. Allow yourself spaces for reflection and solitude, for fun and time with the family, but be aware of the issues that are taking up space and time and not necessarily expanding the impact of your resources.


Do not neglect your potential and do not put yourself down. Take your resources as a therapist and do your best. The easiest way to develop your resources is to make it available to those who need it, since therapists from all walks of life and experience levels have different resources.

Here at AHDE it goes like this: we value your experience, whether you are a beginner therapist or a veteran!



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