  • News
  • September 9, 2021

Growth is the word for the therapist who seeks to expand the horizons of their practice into new cultures and languages. Do you know the importance of international certifications to give you that leverage as a therapist? So take a look!

What are international certifications?

The word certification derives from certifying, that is, asserting to (someone) the certainty or truth of something, attesting, issuing a certificate. Thus, an international certification is a document that aims to recognize a person’s education, proficiency and experience, usually obtained through proficiency tests, affiliations and officially registered institutions.

What are international certifications for?

International certifications aim to make the ability of an individual or institution in a certain field of activity valid and recognized, such as proficiency certificates in foreign languages, financial certificates, records in institutions representing professional classes, among others. It is the safest and most concrete way to demonstrate your level of excellence to other countries, aiming to build links and bonds of study and work. That is, they are means to make your training and experience visible and readable in other languages, countries and cultures, thus promoting connections with higher education institutions, networking with companies from other fields of activity, with communities of professionals interested in the same Subject. There are so many possibilities and it all depends on where you want to go.

International certification in alternative therapies

Some fields of health activity still do not have councils that regulate the profession, which make the professionals working in that area known and which support them in the formulation of new knowledge, as is the case with Psychology.

One of the ways to make the holistic therapist, hypnologist, coach (among others) known in the international field is through certifications issued by communities of therapists and companies that recognize and validate their load of experience, which generates confidence in the student to seek the services of a diverse professional.

How to choose the best certification for you?

Choosing the best certification depends on the goals you want to achieve. If you want to have your ability in a language recognized, the most recognized tests are recommended, such as TOEFL and IELTS, one more focused on professional/general practice and another one more academically focused, for those therapists looking to integrate in universities and research groups, in addition to specialized therapeutic communities in other countries.

For professionals who aim to make their courses validated, as well as having their workload of experience recognized, it is recommended to look for associations that aim to promote the recognition and support of the profession. The AHDE affiliation is an example, as it is an association that seeks to integrate a community of therapists with different levels of theoretical and practical foundation, facilitating both the performance of new therapists, and also promotes the veteran therapist who seeks to have new experiences and enter the field of diversity in their Work.


And you, the therapist, were you interested in having your experience and training supported internationally? Come to AHDE! Here we are dedicated to taking our affiliates further in their professional development process. Don’t miss the chance to broaden your horizons, join today and see the results in your practice!



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