  • News
  • March 2, 2021

At the beginning of the training, the therapist may receive several demands and it is necessary to know his scope of action within the techniques with which he intervenes, that is, to know what he is capable of supporting in a professional situation. And even being the most experienced and most qualified of the therapists, it is always possible to find situations with which one does not have the specific experience for what arises.


To define the scope of action, it is necessary to understand which service, product or result it is intended to deliver, and with which the characteristics and functions of each therapy applied. It is through the scope of action that what is added or removed from the responsibilities and technical qualifications that enable the therapist to act is defined.


A good basic training and assertive qualifications guide the therapist’s professional scope, making it clear which techniques and interventions are specific to your area of ​​expertise and which interventions are possible for you to apply.

Being an associate therapist can also help to always be in touch with qualified professionals and rigorous institutions.

Even the therapist in initial training can have his hours of experience validated by AHDE, which puts the therapist directly in touch with opportunities for action that expand his knowledge baggage.


The first challenge after training the therapist is to assume that you are a capable and qualified professional. Over time, the therapist becomes more aware of his abilities and possibilities, and is able to reshape his views of himself and his interventions from the past.

The arrival of the customer in the setting can also bring challenges, as the demands are often clear and the limits well established, in fertile soil to plant seeds and cultivate the results, but in other situations regardless of how much water is applied, some demands may be so clear and there is the beginning of a joint discovery.


One technique that can be used when the demand is not clear is to break a large demand into its constituent parts so that they can be exploited. It is based on the knowledge of the parties that decision making becomes possible during the therapy.

Another way of dealing with the unknown is to exchange ideas with more experienced therapists, who can bring a new point of view to the same issues.


Macro-political and economic changes influence current labor relations. Often the scope of the therapist’s performance is also defined by the target audience and the performance they want to achieve. In this case, it is advisable to make clear to the public its scope of action, so that it knows what type of intervention it is buying or adhering to. It is necessary to take into account communication with the specific public and what are the costs and resources available to meet that specific public.

Thus, your chances of serving clients that are within your scope of action increase and, consequently, your experience as a therapist.


The therapist is recommended to cultivate a network of professional contacts to whom he can send demands that are not within his scope of action. Referral is part of the job and should not be an embarrassment for both the therapist and the client.

Therefore, do not be afraid to define your scope of action and direct your assistance to your interests.

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