  • News
  • February 1, 2021

The profession of therapist can be very challenging and constant qualification, improvement and study are undoubtedly essential for your practice.

Currently, to be a qualified therapist, it is necessary to go beyond theory and practice to observe your roles and social standing, so that you can understand the different human contexts that you will support and which will be the basis for the development of knowledge to be shared.

In addition to courses and practice that give you credibility, demonstrating that the professional is qualified to carry out their work, the therapist of the future needs to invest in publicity and have notions of topics beyond their bases, such as notions of entrepreneurship, finances, humanized marketing and time management, in addition to a well-defined niche.

Job market

The insertion in the job market can be a challenge, since both your qualification and your perception of this market can be decisive.

Acting within a job market saturated by national economic crises can be obstacles to the motivation of the professional, even if already trained.

An international certification, on the other hand, increases the professional’s ability to create and innovate, demonstrating resourcefulness in the day-to-day challenges.

Because it is a profession that seeks not only financial returns, but personal gratification for fulfilling its purpose in life, the therapist is a professional who seeks to have a positive impact on the lives of those who serve, acting on what is significant to them.

Let’s see below how an internationally accredited therapist can benefit:



We live today in a globalized world, where several professions are being extinguished, while others are being born. Seeking to get out of the mechanistic view of medicine, many people today are looking for alternative treatments, as a way to treat psychosocial issues not covered by traditional medicine.

This is where the therapist’s performance on the international stage comes in.

Aiming to get to your maximum potential, expanding your focus of attention and supporting theoretical references that meet these transformations and place them in a prominent place in front of the public, the contact with new languages brings credibility and can open doors previously unimagined.


Leaving the autopilot and opening up to exchange with new cultures in this connected world gives you new skills, listening in other languages improves your communication and the practicality of the service can be carried out from wherever the client is and when it is most convenient, which, for the therapist, can provide flexibility in schedules and autonomy to define services.


The cooperation between networks of internationally accredited therapists allows knowing deeply new experiences from different countries, building new knowledge.

Having contact with new people, breathing new air, changing perspectives, attending from a distance, in other countries or in a border region, speaking other languages, connecting with other cultures, expanding your professional credibility, all can be benefits of joining a network of international therapists like AHDE.


Putting oneself in the other’s place within this international scenario means going beyond the known, allowing the therapist to be in a place of novelty and learning in himself, through their experiences. However, not knowing how to give credit, not promoting your work and not giving your work financial prosperity as a return can be some of the obstacles for the qualified therapist who does not expand his work.

Let’s build trust and allow clients to feel comfortable, taking the therapist to their maximum potential in the face of the demand that comes, after all it is the level of client satisfaction that matters!



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