  • News
  • March 17, 2021

The holistic therapist focuses on helping others to achieve well-being and balance in their lives. However, between one service and another, and increasingly demanded for tasks complementary to their practice, is being a therapist a profession that allows a balance between personal and professional life?

We are constantly changing and the world around us increasingly demands maturity to deal with different situations. Therefore, those who reach the therapeutic setting seek to achieve a balance between physical, mental, emotional and energetic issues.

It is already known that the therapist’s balance contributes a lot to support the issues that come to their care and being an example of balance is of great importance in the treatment, but have therapists turned their attention to themselves?


Burnout syndrome is common among health professionals, as many of these professionals dedicate a large part of their lives to helping others, and when they lose sight of their personal lives, they end up getting sick. They may be paying attention to many areas while neglecting to notice others.

The harmony between life inside and outside work is fundamental for professional development, personal satisfaction is reflected in the harmony of work relationships and the willingness to listen, attend and intervene in the attendance. Professionals who are tired or with physiological damage tend to have reduced performance, financial problems, to be less present in appointments and to have more difficulty in formulating appropriate interventions.


Professional leave for psychological reasons is also increasingly common. The lack of time invested in family relationships and bonds of friendship can cause or worsen, for example, cases of depression. Falls in results, difficulty in reasoning, reduced ability to perform tasks with dedication and excellence are also the result of the lack of balance between personal and professional life.

When building a good relationship between work and personal life, health, family and relationships can take the decision. Looking at how the different areas of personal life are doing allows the therapist to be attentive to the roots of the problems to avoid aggravating them and compromising his performance.

Satisfaction level

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself how satisfied you are at work? Does being a therapist allow you to have a good quality of life? Have you made personal investments that can impact your career as a therapist?

The definition of happiness and quality of life are individual and unique for each person, but when we talk about a balance between personal and professional life we ​​need quality time for both. Self-knowledge will be fundamental in this process.

Some questions can help you get started:

How much time do I dedicate to myself and others? Do you take time for the activities you want to do?

  1. Is the time devoted to challenging yourself intellectually more or less than your rest time?
  2. Are you constantly giving more love to others than you receive or is there balance?
  3. Take care of your food? Allow yourself to rest?
  4. Do you enjoy what you do? Are you happy in your work?
  5. Do you have a pleasant personal life? Do you allow yourself time to be alone and introspective? Are you distant from your family and friends?
  6. Do you fulfill your responsibilities? Do you have healthy limits?
  7. Do you make time for the things that amuse you or have you devoted little time to the fun?
  8. Are you aware of what you are doing and what you are failing to do?
  9. Can you say no and practice self-respect?
  10. Do you have goals of your own?
  11. Do you know how to set priorities?
  12. Evaluate your decisions?
  13. Do you trust your intuition?
  14. Can you forget about work on weekends?
  15. Do you take chores home or extend working hours?
  16. Do you use your planning skills to spend time with those you like?
  17. Do you consider the relationship between body and mind in your activities?
  18. Do you enjoy your own company?
  19. Do you put your level of emotional intelligence into practice?

This panorama of your life makes it easier to prioritize your quality of life. Don’t be apprehensive if you need to see a health professional or therapist to help you on this journey. Being a therapist does not prevent you from taking care of yourself.

After discovering what your life’s real priorities are, a change in attitude and perception of reality is necessary to begin the necessary adjustments to have a more balanced life.

And do you, the therapist, prioritize your own balance?



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