  • News
  • February 23, 2021

One of the alternative ways to help in the development of a person is through Coaching, in which the professional Coach assists his Client (known as “Coachee”) to achieve goals through training and guidance. 

Regardless of the extent of the achievement, Coaching makes use of a series of techniques, tools and knowledge from different areas such as administration, people management, psychology, neuroscience, human resources, strategic planning and others, to reach effective results in life, personal, professional, family, spiritual, financial or other, defined by the client.

Through confidential individual or group sessions, Coaching is a process that can generate positive and lasting changes in a short time, in an effective and elaborated way. The duration and frequency of the sessions is agreed between Coach and Coachee, and can have an average duration of 1-2 hours per session.

Personal advice

Coaching is a personal and professional consultancy that uses guided procedures, scientifically validated, for teams and companies to achieve superior and positive results.

With this assistance, it is possible to understand where you are, where you want to go and what paths to achieve, relating how you think, feel, react, learn, change and evolve, with daily opportunities.


The Coach is the professional responsible for applying the techniques and tools of the Coaching methodology in order to develop people and organizations, thus helping them to achieve extraordinary results.

The professional Coach has the function of stimulating, supporting and awakening the infinite potential so that the Client, the Coachee, can clearly visualize individual issues, increase self-confidence, break limiting beliefs and reach goals in an objective and assertive way. The Coach seeks to take the Coachee from his current state to the desired state quickly and effectively.

It is the Coach’s duty:

  • Provide knowledge;
  • Support;
  • Don’t judge;
  • Maintain confidentiality;
  • Be reliable;
  • Have commitment;
  • Act responsibly.


The Coachee is the client who goes through the coaching process and experiences each step of the process. Your search may be to develop on a personal or professional level, to achieve specific solutions effectively and to go from one point to another, with satisfactory results.

It is up to the Coachee:

  • Be willing to change;
  • Demonstrate responsibility;
  • Commit genuinely to the process.


The Coaching process involves defining the objectives to be achieved and the actions performed so that the expected result is fulfilled. Through assertive questions, the Coach helps the Coachee to develop skills, competences, identify points to improve, overcome limitations, among other possibilities. The deepening of the Coachee’s self-awareness, through continuous learning actions are the great key for the Client to reach new understandings, alternatives and new options, expanding the achievements.


The main approaches of Coaching are “Life Coaching”, aimed at understanding the personal needs of the Client and “Professional Coaching”, aiming to meet professional, executive needs, corporate and business.


It’s possible to say that the focus of Coaching is to increase performance and evoke excellence in people and institutions, promoting a continuously excellent performance since it enhances personal power, expands effective conversations, catalyzes the reformulation of values and goals, seeks effective and transforming solutions and competence in management.

Coaching works to improve the effectiveness of results.

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