  • News
  • February 27, 2021

A code of conduct is expected of every professional, regardless of the field of activity. It is the code of conduct that guides behaviors and attitudes and can be shared by other professionals in the same category, guiding professionals to provide a standard of care to the client and the support given and is seen as part of therapeutic professionalism.

It is through the code of conduct demonstrated by the professional that the client assesses his level of credibility and commitment to deliver quality results in his practice. You gain public trust and increase customer confidence in your services.


The professional’s code of conduct must be aligned with therapeutic practices, so that it demonstrates the example of the therapist, composed of his values, principles and his life goal, which constantly make up the motivation in this profession.


Self-regulation presupposes a voluntary activity by professionals based on awareness of the need for self-discipline, covering basic points, establishing ethical rules to be followed and specific performance techniques.

Self-regulation takes into account the code of moral conduct of those who exercise it, and defines codes of ethical and professional behavior and rules that determine their rights and duties, as well as inspection mechanisms when possible.


Values ​​are characteristics of a particular person or organization that determines how it behaves and interacts with other individuals and the context in which it is inserted. For some people, values ​​can be related to merit, talent, reputation, courage and courage. The role of values ​​in defining the therapist’s self-regulation is to define the basic points to be followed in this moral self-discipline.


Principles are propositions that guide behaviors as a guide for assessing behaviors. It works as a rule that guides the duty to follow something to the detriment of the consequences. The principles are the basis that supports the relationship between therapist and practice of the professional code of conduct.


To cite some examples, in the United States the International Association for Neurolinguistic Programming proposes a code of professional conduct that contributes to the self-regulation of the professional, since the profession is not regulated by a Council that provides legal support, as is the case with psychologists.

An example in Brazil is the Therapy Self-Regulation Council (CRT), which has the same proposal. In Brazil, the activities developed by therapists say that the profession has free exercise.


WHO recognizes the contribution of complementary alternative therapies, that is, approaches that aim to prevent diseases and help in the recovery of health through efficient and safe technologies, emphasizing welcoming listening, while developing the therapeutic bond and the integration of the human being with the environment and society.


One of the main precepts that the professional must take into account is respect for the human being, through which he will always act for his benefit, without causing him physical or moral suffering, or against his dignity and integrity.


Among the rights of the therapist, it should be noted that the therapist can be a registered professional or associated with institutions that attest to their qualifications, such as AHDE.

The therapist is allowed to establish his / her fees in a fair and dignified manner, as well as to renounce therapeutic services, especially those that are outside his / her scope of activity, or when he / she feels that he / she lacks confidence or that mutual trust could not be established between therapist and client.


It is the therapist’s duties to keep his office within the hygiene standards required by health surveillance, to expose his legal documentation in a visible place to exercise his activity as a therapist and respect professional secrecy. It is important to point out that it is the duty of the therapist not to administer the use of medications, since this practice is not up to him as a professional.

And you, the therapist, what do you take into account when formulating your own professional conduct?



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