  • News
  • February 23, 2021

Hypnosis is a state of heightened consciousness in which selective and peripheral attention is reduced, through preliminary instructions and suggestions called hypnotic inductions, given by the Hypnotherapist.

But let’s understand these terms better before continuing.


From the Greek “hypnos”, sleep, and from the Latin “osis”, process or action, Hypnosis owes its name to the British physician and researcher James Braid, who introduced it when studying a kind of induced sleep.

When it was discovered that Hypnosis was not a state of induced sleep, the term was already created and continues to be used today, even though the encephalographic records show different brain waves, frequencies and different patterns between the two states.

For this reason, some hypnologists use the terms “sleep” or “sleeping now” because these expressions predispose the person to enter a hypnotic state, however, the hypnotized person perceives what happens around them and can report it back to the state conscious.

Selective and peripheral attention

Selective attention is the brain’s ability to select important information at that moment, and causes the individual to ignore irrelevant information.

Peripheral attention is activated whenever we have a broader sense of what is happening in the context around us.

Both are important before and during the hypnotic trance, so that the individual can let himself go into a trance, as well as reducing the focus of the issues around him.


Hypnologist is a scholar and therapist trained to apply Hypnosis. To become a Hypnologist, the professional must seek training through courses and training, as well as having many hours of practice to manage the different situations during the hypnotic trance.

Hypnotic induction or suggestion

There are a number of techniques to get the client to experience a hypnotic trance state:

  • Look fixation;
  • Verbal suggestions;
  • Induction of relaxation or visualizations;
  • Concentration of focus of attention, usually internalized;
  • Application of stimulus of any kind, repetitive, rhythmic, weak and monotonous;
  • Use of electronic devices, with alpha brainwave stimulation.

Among them, the hypnotic suggestion is a series of proposals and calculated stimuli for the client to go into a trance. They can also be used during trance, where the Hypnologist suggests that the client experiences changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts or behaviors, which can lead to changes in his life.

The most important part of hypnotic induction is the rapport created between Hypnologist and Hypnotized, as many people are afraid of being hypnotized. The trust and cooperation between both is essential so that the client is not insecure about revealing secrets against his will or performing unwanted acts, which goes against professional ethics.


It is known that Hypnosis can be supporting or even treat a series of biopsychosocial disorders, such as:

  • Migraines and chronic headaches;
  • Dizziness and vertigo;
  • Gastritis;
  • Halitosis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Snoring;
  • Sleep apnea;
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Nocturnal Enuresis;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Sexual impotence;
  • Premature ejaculation;
  • Vaginismus;
  • Premenstrual tension;
  • Diseases associated with emotional factors;
  • Psychological disorders such as anxiety, panic, phobias and depression;
  • Analgesia in episodes of acute or chronic pain;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Insomnia;
  • Among several other possibilities.

That is why Hypnosis is so used today. It can expand your ability to memorize, help you have more discipline and routine, motivate your learning, contribute to the development of serenity, relaxation and stress reduction.

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