Post Do you know Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)?
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  • February 23, 2021

Do you know Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)?

Neurolinguistic Programming, also known as NLP, is a science that studies mental models, from how they are formed to how they affect behavior and learning. It seeks to bring communication […]

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Post Do you know what “Coaching” stands for?
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  • February 23, 2021

Do you know what “Coaching” stands for?

One of the alternative ways to help in the development of a person is through Coaching, in which the professional Coach assists his Client (known as “Coachee”) to achieve goals […]

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Post What is hypnosis?
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  • February 23, 2021

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of heightened consciousness in which selective and peripheral attention is reduced, through preliminary instructions and suggestions called hypnotic inductions, given by the Hypnotherapist. But let’s understand […]

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Post The importance of international certifications for therapists
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  • February 1, 2021

The importance of international certifications for therapists

Having an international certification today can make a big difference in a therapist’s career. You, professional therapist, who seeks to enhance your curriculum even more, cannot miss the opportunity to […]

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Post What are the advantages of becoming an internationally certified therapist?
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  • February 1, 2021

What are the advantages of becoming an internationally certified therapist?

The profession of therapist can be very challenging and constant qualification, improvement and study are undoubtedly essential for your practice. Currently, to be a qualified therapist, it is necessary to […]

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Post How to become a holistic therapist?
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  • February 1, 2021

How to become a holistic therapist?

The profession of holistic therapist is one of the fastest growing in the world. The reason for this is that more and more people seek to take care of themselves […]

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Post Do you know the difference between psychologist and holistic therapist?
  • News
  • February 1, 2021

Do you know the difference between psychologist and holistic therapist?

The search for appropriate therapy can be confusing at first, as there are several options available. Whether to deal with emotional issues or to face social challenges, the demand for […]

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