  • News
  • March 16, 2021

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a state of well-being in which the individual develops his own abilities, is able to deal with the normal stresses of life, is able to work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make contributions to your community.

Maintaining mental health in the midst of a pandemic that has already killed two and a half million people is a challenge for everyone.

Social detachment, quarantine or isolation, reduced stimulation and loss of income due to the impossibility of working, in addition to significant changes in routine, can bring about some reactions.


Among the stressors of our time, the fear of getting sick and dying, or that close and significant people will get sick and die without a fair farewell hang over the current air. For those who are not sick or asymptomatic without knowing it, the fear is of transmitting the virus to people at risk in their families and friends.


The fear of losing sources of income for not being able to work, the high unemployment rates, the concern with obtaining food, medicine and supplies are among the main concerns of people and professionals.


It has been common to avoid seeking health services for fear of being contaminated, hindering the progress of treatments when they cannot be performed at a distance.


Feelings of frustration or irritability due to the loss of autonomy and freedom, feelings of hopelessness, boredom and loneliness, in addition to the worsening of depressive and anxious conditions.

There may be many reactions to this difficult period that humanity is going through. So, a few tips can help you get through this challenging time for mental health.


Cultivate a routine at home, with regular times to get up, lie down, eat and take care of personal hygiene;


Avoid too much information, as well as the hype about false or distorted news. Assess the facts and look for official and reliable sources of information with the competent bodies and do not pass on extraneous information.

Remote work

Take breaks during the remote work period. Take the opportunity to move around, with active breaks.


Identify intrusive, repetitive, and catastrophic thoughts that exacerbate anxiety. Remember to evaluate what corresponds to reality and what works for your relief.


Do not discriminate against those who are sick. Seek help with guidelines for the prevention and transmission of the virus to others.


Protect at-risk groups such as children, the elderly and people with comorbidities. Suggest daily activities and reinforce socializing so that they do not feel alone. When there is social isolation, it is possible to keep in touch through social networks and video calls.

See what works for you and use tools that help make this moment lighter, simpler and possible.

And you, what techniques or tools have you used to face the covid-19 pandemic?


COSTA, F. B. Mental health in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ministry of Health. 2020.



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