  • News
  • August 12, 2021

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, many activities became remote, and I also provided mental health care. Therapist, are you prepared for the international home office? So take a look and we’ll show you!

Home office and remote service

The psychotherapeutic services started in the 50s and evolved for the services on the internet, initially suffocating a lot of opposition. A physical therapeutic relationship is preceded by an impoverishment of non-verbal communication, an element considered essential in the interaction between therapist and client.

As a result of the new coronavirus pandemic in 2020, thousands of people started to attend remotely, even without preparation and infra-structural conditions in their homes to face it. Specially regarding therapists, the setting for the therapeutic environment, even online, is crucial, because interaction with the patient occurs normally during online care.

Benefits of the home office

Work and attend from home possible suas vantagens: greater availability, convenience for both therapist and client, accessibility, low custody, anonymity, privacy and reduction of stigma to seek care in health.

For an international therapist, attending from home office brings advantages: the possibility of being in contact with clients from all over the world!

Tips to optimize your international home office

All the therapists have been facing their abilities to adapt to this new modality of work. See some tips for your international home office:

  1. Stablish, when possible, a specific environment for you at home;
  2. Prioritize or silence and secrecy of the information drawn up by the client;
  3. Reforce or learn new languages ​​to communicate better in video conferences and online services;
  4. Maintain the environment according to the work you do;
  5. Look for information on service platforms and ways to use digital hardware in your favor;
  6. Invest in your self-care, taking care of your biopsychosocial health during or at work;
  7. Maintain a schedule for the session and try to untie after the care, changing the environment to facilitate the recognition of change in the brain;
  8. Hydrate and direct your clients to face or the same, have to spend long hours in front of the computer, we can be a factor of care and health care;
  9. Be open for services in new modalities: chat, message, telephone link, videoconference, e-mail and others;
  10. Do quick courses to be always on the day how long I use the technologies and to add new ferramentas to your services;
  11. Learn to use error detection tools in other languages ​​and understand that the primary concern is empathy and ethical professionalism;
  12. Look at your work environment as a starting point for the world;
  13. Learn about feedback from various clients of other backgrounds that you are growing as a professional!


Are you interested in expanding your horizons as a therapist? Come to AHDE! Here our goal is to take you further. Affiliate and see the results today!



PIETA, M.A.M. & GOMES, W.B. Psicoterapia pela internet: viável ou inviável? Psicol. cienc. prof. 2014;34(1).



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